I didn't really write about last week's P&W experience at church due to my awesome nomination for "very inspiring blog" award so I'm going to catch up.
Two weeks ago, our church went on a one day fast from midnight until 5 pm. No food or drink. That week, I was sick and exhausted so my fast consisted of no food or drink until 1 pm and then only water and crackers until 5 pm. That was the best I could do. Last week we went on another one day fast. I was able to fully participate this time.
Last Sunday, P&W went really well. As a matter of fact, it seemed that the whole church service was lifted. Now I didn't hear the Word because I ran children's church, but I heard it was good. This week, even though we slightly messed up 2 of the 4 songs, P&W was still alright, in my opinion. There were also more people in church today. I think that fast did something!
This week we are doing a denial. I've decided to give up social media for the week. No Twitter (follow me at nicnac0), no Instagram (same name), no LinkedIn (Nicole Thomas, MPH), and I already don't use FB - because its the devil. lol (Not really, but kind of.) Thus, I'm posting today and will not post or use social media for the entire week until next Monday.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how many times I go to use it. Will it be more than I think? Since I have to present a workshop at our District's Youth Retreat, I am going to use that time to study and prepare.
Our pastor quoted us the scripture "This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting." (Mark 17:21) I guess I'm not the only one fed up with the lack of attendance and participation. It seems as if there a sense of stagnancy that came over our church once summer started. But alas, in the words of #TashaCobb "There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain!"
So, I guess I'll catch you guys next week. I am expecting greater things in our morning worship service beginning with praise and worship.
Exposing you to artists, songs, events, and personal insights in the Praise and Worship genre. Look for laughable moments and lots of cross-references to pop culture. (Cuz I'm cool like that... See what I mean?)
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Betcha didn't know I was a very inspiring blogger! Actually, even I didn't know that I was a very inspiring blogger!
Jessica Starks from The Pen and the Needle nominated me for the award. I'm so delighted. I didn't think that my posts would be encouraging. I'm blogging to vent and laugh my way through a somewhat difficult journey as a young P&W leader. Glad someone is enjoying it.
Part of the award or being nominated is displaying the rules:
1. Thank and link to the amazing person who nominated you.
2. List the rules and display the award.
3. Share 7 things/ facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them, and provide a link to your post.
5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog, e.g. sidebar, and follow the person who nominated you.
2. List the rules and display the award.
3. Share 7 things/ facts about yourself.
4. Nominate 7 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them, and provide a link to your post.
5. Optional: Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog, e.g. sidebar, and follow the person who nominated you.
- Chicago is my favorite US city.
- I graduated from an HBCU - Kentucky State University
- I have 1 best friend (because best means best).
- I am the coolest Christian ever and have friends of various backgrounds and beliefs. We're not here to judge!
- The furthest I've been from home is London.
- I pretty much hate all of jazz music other than Ella Fitzgerald.
- I have a relationship/sex ed/advise blog for the not quite adult crowd called Crush University.
Monday, June 16, 2014
Baby/momma drama
Note to self: babies don't belong on the Praise and Worship team.
My two year old, Zoe, decided to come right to the front of the church and sing on the praise team. This is what happens when you have such a small facility that there's no step up to enter the pulpit. Zoe simply walks past everyone and grabs a mic stand. At that point, I decide to just let her stay up there with me since I'm singing behind a large, wooden lectern. I figure no one will see her. Zoe then takes my and my dad's hand and decides to she wants to swing during P&W. We must've been singing some happy sounding songs. I eventually decide to pick her up, but that wasn't a great idea either. She then wanted my mic and begins to lean every which way to try to obtain it. Back to standing she goes. And by standing what I really mean is swaying, swinging and not being still. In spite of the toddler activities, P&W was still decent.
When you have a parent on the team, it's probably best that someone in the audience keeps watch of the little one. But you gotta watch it; babies these days are really cunning and can somehow find their way to the front despite your planning. Se la vie.
My two year old, Zoe, decided to come right to the front of the church and sing on the praise team. This is what happens when you have such a small facility that there's no step up to enter the pulpit. Zoe simply walks past everyone and grabs a mic stand. At that point, I decide to just let her stay up there with me since I'm singing behind a large, wooden lectern. I figure no one will see her. Zoe then takes my and my dad's hand and decides to she wants to swing during P&W. We must've been singing some happy sounding songs. I eventually decide to pick her up, but that wasn't a great idea either. She then wanted my mic and begins to lean every which way to try to obtain it. Back to standing she goes. And by standing what I really mean is swaying, swinging and not being still. In spite of the toddler activities, P&W was still decent.
When you have a parent on the team, it's probably best that someone in the audience keeps watch of the little one. But you gotta watch it; babies these days are really cunning and can somehow find their way to the front despite your planning. Se la vie.
Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Problem solved
Sunday was our 14 year church anniversary so we actually had a musician. (insert excited face here) The praise experience was totally different and 10 times better than what we normally are able to do.
With one, one and half hour rehearsal, we were able to put together something that flowed and sounded good. Now that that's behind us, I'm hoping to build some momentum and get us to practice regularly.
Of course the devil knew we were all on one accord so he had to throw in a monkey wrench. We bought these very pretty, light-weight blouses for the women on the praise team and as I was ironing mine Sunday morning, I burned a hole in it. Actually there were 2 holes at the top left. I called my sister like "what am I gonna do?!" And of course she had a solution: "put one of those big dumb flowers over it." Yes! I'm a church girl. I have a big dumb flower. That worked.
I am kinda peeved I have to buy the shirt all over again, but at least we looked and sounded the part. I guess all's well that ends well.
P.S. For the record, I did not buy the big dumb flower personally. This was a previous attempt to do something to unify our wardrobe without having a true uniform. I'm not a uniform type of gal. Or a big dumb flower type of gal either. :)
With one, one and half hour rehearsal, we were able to put together something that flowed and sounded good. Now that that's behind us, I'm hoping to build some momentum and get us to practice regularly.
Of course the devil knew we were all on one accord so he had to throw in a monkey wrench. We bought these very pretty, light-weight blouses for the women on the praise team and as I was ironing mine Sunday morning, I burned a hole in it. Actually there were 2 holes at the top left. I called my sister like "what am I gonna do?!" And of course she had a solution: "put one of those big dumb flowers over it." Yes! I'm a church girl. I have a big dumb flower. That worked.
I am kinda peeved I have to buy the shirt all over again, but at least we looked and sounded the part. I guess all's well that ends well.
P.S. For the record, I did not buy the big dumb flower personally. This was a previous attempt to do something to unify our wardrobe without having a true uniform. I'm not a uniform type of gal. Or a big dumb flower type of gal either. :)
Monday, June 2, 2014
Tell 'em why you mad, son
Maybe the title of this post should be The Struggle, cause that's what it is right about now.
P&W at a small church comes with its own set of unique problems. Here's one that's really killing me: there's hardly no one attending church. I shouldn't be surprised by this because I'm almost positive the same thing happened last year, but dang! This is cray! It gets warm in Chicago and ninja don't know how to act or what to do!
This Sunday outside of my family (the "first" family), there were only about 3 others families at church. Attendance is at an all time low and it sucks. Perhaps it wouldn't be bad if everyone would lift their voices and sing, but that's not happening right now either.
In general, I'm slightly burned out. I like to think I'm focusing my time and energy on only 1 or 2 priorities, but this is difficult at a small church where one wears many hats. So when Tasha Cobb talked about spiritual burnout tonight on the iLeadescape, I knew I was meant to be on the call at that particular time. (It took me 20 times to get through.) While I would love to take a sabbatical, I wouldn't do that; it feels irresponsible when we've got such a small congregation and praise team. I have been thinking about attending another church's Bible class or weeknight service to get a different Word and replenish a bit. I'll keep you posted if I find anything worth while.
I know there's nothing too hard for God, so I'll keep my head up and keep on keeping on. I guess the challenges give me things to talk about with you guys. Trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
Holla back in the comments with anything you're struggling with. Maybe we all similar problems.
P&W at a small church comes with its own set of unique problems. Here's one that's really killing me: there's hardly no one attending church. I shouldn't be surprised by this because I'm almost positive the same thing happened last year, but dang! This is cray! It gets warm in Chicago and ninja don't know how to act or what to do!
This Sunday outside of my family (the "first" family), there were only about 3 others families at church. Attendance is at an all time low and it sucks. Perhaps it wouldn't be bad if everyone would lift their voices and sing, but that's not happening right now either.
In general, I'm slightly burned out. I like to think I'm focusing my time and energy on only 1 or 2 priorities, but this is difficult at a small church where one wears many hats. So when Tasha Cobb talked about spiritual burnout tonight on the iLeadescape, I knew I was meant to be on the call at that particular time. (It took me 20 times to get through.) While I would love to take a sabbatical, I wouldn't do that; it feels irresponsible when we've got such a small congregation and praise team. I have been thinking about attending another church's Bible class or weeknight service to get a different Word and replenish a bit. I'll keep you posted if I find anything worth while.
I know there's nothing too hard for God, so I'll keep my head up and keep on keeping on. I guess the challenges give me things to talk about with you guys. Trying to make lemonade out of lemons.
Holla back in the comments with anything you're struggling with. Maybe we all similar problems.
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