Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Review of Tasha Cobb's One Place Live

Image result for tasha cobbs one place liveI don't do a lot of reviews because it's rare that I purchase a full album. However, as a huge fan of Tasha Cobb's first album, I went ahead and purchased the sophomore project. Here's what I think of One Place Live:

  1. Immediately- thumbs wayyy up!
  2. Jesus Did It - eh
  3. Fill Me Up - thumbs up
  4. Overflow - thumbs up
  5. Jesus Saves - eh
  6. One Place - thumbs wayyyy up!
  7. I love This Place - thumbs wayyy up!
  8. This is Freedom - thumbs up
  9. Sense It - thumbs wayyy up!
  10. Sense It Reprise - thumbs wayyy up! This is battling for my favorite song on the album. "I am not the same, I've been changed in Your glory." Such simple and beautiful lyrics that anyone can sing.
  11. Put a Praise on It - eh Shocked that I didn't like this song more. I like the concept of the song, but it's just Ok for me. I also can't differentiate between Tasha and Kierra. That's kinda strange too.
  12. Christmas Praise - thumbs up
  13. I'll Do It Again - thumbs wayyy up! This song reminds me of an old school Kirk Franklin and the Family type of song. I love hearing the individual voices even though they're all singing together.
  14. Solid Rock - thumbs wayyy up! Love Jamie Grace's voice.
  15. You Still Love Me - thumbs up
  16. I Will Run - thumbs up This song has a rock vibe and Tasha pulls it off well
Bottom Line - I don't dislike any of the songs and I love 4 of them. Buy this album.


Friday, September 25, 2015

Review of self-titled albumTiff Joy

Image result for tiff joy

This is the last of the Tiff Joy takeover installation. The album dropped today so check out my review and then go cop it.

  1. YOU are - thumbs up
  2. Almighty God - thumbs up
  3. The Promise -thumbs wayyy up! Love the words, the chorus sticks with you, and the music is perfect.
  4. Oh How We Love YOU -thumbs wayyy up! I love this upbeat song. I think musicians will love it too.
  5. All that YOU do - thumbs wayyy up! This song is beautiful and the music is reminiscent of a Stevie Wonder tune.
  6. Holy -thumbs wayyy up! Another beautifully composed song.
  7. Healer -thumbs wayyy up! Another beautifully composed song, yet again.
  8. Hallelujah -thumbs wayyy up! Another beautifully composed song.
  9. Altar Call - thumbs up
  10. I'm All YOURS - thumbs wayyy up! You guessed it. Another beautifully composed song. It's crazy there are this many!
  11. Amazing - thumbs wayyy up! But you already knew this one goes hard. She did rearrange it a little to keep it fresh. And whoever the drummer is snapped at the end, like frfr!
  12. Hope - eh - I'm not crazy about this song, but after 10 great songs, there's not much else I can ask for.
Bottom Line - This album is a praise and worshiper's delight! Tiff Joy has a great tap on the sound of worship. You can hit play and worship through the entire album. It's kinda impossible to buy an album with so many good songs these days, but that's exactly what this is. Buy this project. Like now.

I'm gonna go ahead and project a nom for new artist of the year for the next Stellar Awards. You gotta speak those things that are not as though they are!

Leggo Chicago!


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

A Tiff Joy Takeover

Hey Guys,

My Godsister, Tiff Joy, is dropping her solo album in a few days and I know you're going to love her work. You already know her from the Stellar Award winning song "Amazing" and she's been putting in a lot of work hitting the road and getting her song out "The Promise." Thought I'd help get her name out there cuz she's the truth! Support a talented, anointed, and Chicago-based artist with strong roots and a humble heart.

Follow her on twitter and instagram @1tiffjoy and on FB!

Pre-order the album Tiff Joy - I sure did. ;)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Back in the day when things were cool (in my Erykah Badu voice)

Image result for those were the days
One of the most memorable theme songs ever!

Just for kicks, I thought I'd talk about how we used to do things "back in the day." Mind you I was a member of my church choir and a community choir. Most of these are things my praise team doesn't do any longer.
  • We used to have Bible study before choir rehearsal.
  • We used to be late and end up missing Bible study. (convenient, eh?)
  • We used to eat during rehearsal sometimes. (Chips, pop, candy. So sad.)
  • Before closing prayer, we'd each have to recite one verse from the Bible. You couldn't say "Jesus wept."
  • We used to always wear uniforms on Sundays. Black and white, all black, all white for first Sundays, and rainbow colored blouses if we were really feeling jazzy. lol
  • We used to host or sing at midnight musicals Memorial and Labor Day weekends. Those were the days!
  • We considered congregational songs praise and worship. (e.g., God is a Good God, Lord I'm Running Trying to Make 100, etc.)
Can you think of anything you used to do back in the "good old days?" Comment and let's reminisce together!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Let the church of the future say "amen"

Image result for jetsons

In an effort to find a place where my husband and I might worship together, I visited a church suggested by an acquaintance of mine. I did a little research before I went because when I don't take the time to research, I end up at a place like the Christian Science church (true story). Everything seemed legit so I decided to give it a try.

This was actually my first time attending what I call a "modern" or contemporary church service. My definition of modern is non-traditional. No hymns, no pews, no dress code, coffee allowed in the sanctuary and people drinking, use of AV tools (videos, bible verses and sermon notes displayed on a large screen), referring to scriptures by announcing their page numbers, modern sounding music, greeters - not ushers. I've been in church all my life, but this was something very different. I've even attended a predominately white southern church and it was far different from that. In fact, I'm still a tad undecided about whether I liked it or not. But, it was all Bible-based so no arguments from me there.

They sang 3 songs that I did not know and they were all very pop-sounding. I think the congregants found them a little difficult because not a lot of people were singing. In this respect, the P&W experience was more like a concert and not very participatory. But maybe this is what a modern church service is like.

I think God is dealing with me about my personal views on church. I feel like I need to look past the physical and even past the way I typically think. I think we (church folks including myself) are doing a piss poor job in bringing others to Christ and into fellowship. We often say "all are welcome" and "come as you are," but when people who are not carbon copies of us come, we have a lot to say under our breath (eg, why did she/he wear shorts/their club clothes/their hair rollers to church?! [cuz yeah, they do that at my church sometimes]) Do we really think that the average person who knows little about God/Jesus/Christianity would enjoy our church services? More specifically for me, would the average urban person in my church's community find our worship service remotely appealing? I feel the need to connect on a different level and perhaps in a different environment to help me see myself more clearly and others differently.

Let me say for the record, my goal is not to find a new church home! I love my church. However, sometimes it's refreshing to hear and see something different because God isn't just the God of black churches, or charismatic churches. He's the God of many denominations, cultures, music genres, and traditions. While I'm not ready to physically put my name on the roll of the modern, "church of the future," I most certainly appreciate their role in the Kingdom.
