Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Image result for women's march fists

Just when I said I would post less...

Today, I want to express my displeasure in the lack of response from gospel artists to the Women's March that took place this past weekend.

While several artists and lay people that I follow on Instagram posted encouraging words re: Travis Greene performing at the president's inaugural ball, only one artist posted something about the women's marches. THANK YOU BRIAN COURTNEY WILSON! Somehow, not even the female artists that I follow said anything about it. There's something very wrong with that.

It's amazing how we (the gospel community) can rally behind someone who believes their performance will help advance the ministry by providing music to celebrate a man who makes racist, misogynistic, xenophobic, and every other "-phobic" comments, but we can't even acknowledge women fighting for their voices to be heard. This is not to knock Travis Greene's decision - it's his choice to do what he feels is right and it's my choice to voice that I think President Trump is deplorable. The Women's March was about solidarity and standing up for women's rights.

Just to be clear, women's rights are not synonymous with being pro-choice. Reproductive freedom is one piece of the puzzle and if you happen to disagree with that piece, I see that no different than when a minister preaches something you believe to be inaccurate by scripture but you continue to go to that church/follow his or her on social media/donate money to that ministry, etc. Women's rights include issues like equal pay for equal work, the right to affordable healthcare, the right to unionize for a respectable living wage, immigrant and refugee rights, benefits such as paid family medical leave, affordable childcare, and accountability for police brutality which affects people of color disproportionately more than white people. Or better yet, it also includes standing up against someone who in normal conversation said "Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything." in reference to a married women he tried to sleep with. (Read/listen to the entire transcript here). My guess is that a reasonable person would not disagree with fighting for most of these issues.

So praise and worship junkies, if there was ever a time to stand together, especially as women and people of color, this is the time. How about instead of posting self-promoting marketing ads, selfies, and/or ignoring the big events taking place in our society, we speak up about said events and share our perspectives and convictions. It makes for a great praise leader to know and acknowledge what's going on in society at large.


Monday, January 23, 2017

Controversy (in my Prince voice)

Image result for try a little tenderness

I'm going to kick off the year with a bit of controversy.

Recently, Pastor Kim Burrell has taken a lot of heat for preaching a sermon where she called out homosexuality as a "perverted spirit." Her sermon was spread via social media and as a result, Ellen DeGeneres cancelled her from appearing on her show where she was presumably going to talk about her role in the soundtrack for the movie Hidden Figures. Her radio show was also cancelled.

Homosexuality in the black church has long been a huge deal and I believe that churches that believe it to be a sin are struggling to find the right balance of addressing it. When you're in the limelight for your music ministry and begin to cross over, it becomes increasingly difficult to find that balance. I suppose this is why Tasha Cobbs and Kierra Sheard haven't crossed over. It's definitely not for lack of talent.

As a worship leader, we get in front of God's people and invite them to come with us to a special place. A place where our hearts are tender to God's call, God's word, and His presence. In this place we become transparent, see our shortcomings, and feel God's grace. It's something we wish everyone could experience. While there is a time for rebuking and reproving, we need to make sure that people feel like they belong in the house of God. It's hard to do that if we don't treat/address sins equally and if we condemn folks to smithereens. Each and every one of us (all sinners) should feel equally convicted for our sins and equally loved because we are God's children. I'm not saying that God wants you to be silent or permissive. I'm saying let's ask God for the right way to deliver His word to his people so that we can be the most effective vessels possible.

In the words of Otis Redding "try a little tenderness." Or for those wanting a scripture "A soft answer turneth away wrath." (Prov. 15:1)


Wednesday, January 11, 2017

This time I'll be different

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As you can probably gather from my lack of posts, I gave up at the end of 2016.

I got tired of coordinating, getting shot down, being let down, and getting grilled. But it's a new year and this time I'll be different.

I've decided that this year, I'm going to focus on some very practical goals.

1. I will stop complaining about our lack of a musician. Like, seriously, how long do you keep wining about what is? Time to find something else to complain about.

2. We will sing every song I buy a track for. No more wasting money. I'm sitting on at least 9 cd's because we haven't had rehearsal. Which leads to #3...

3. We will have consistent rehearsals and if no one comes, I will lead praise & worship alone so that we can introduce new songs into the rotation. Now this is probably the biggest goal and I don't like the idea of singing alone to a track, but what's the alternative? Keep singing the same 10ish songs? Nah man.

As far as this blog is concerned, I'm going to be pulling back a bit. My goal is to have one insightful, honest post a month. Quality over quantity. It's so easy to get dragged down the rabbit hole of trying to post every week, but I'm trying to achieve balance in my life. One post a month feels right for me.

My main prayer for the month of January is that God reinvigorates my passion for Him. Leading a praise team is draining and I don't want to lead begrudgingly. If you're reading this blog, I know you feel the same way. I hope that you hang in there with me. It's going to be an awesome year! In Jesus's name.
