2018 feels special already. I don't have anything exciting on the docket, but the new year has me feeling like something exciting is around the corner. As a result, here I am posting for the first time in months.
I must admit, 2017 was challenging for me emotionally and physically. I'm sure my insurance company is wondering why I'm going to the doctor and dentist so much. I also ended the year on a not so great note in one of my most valuable relationships. I hope I can recover on all fronts!
On the other hand, the year ended on a good note for my music. I wrote a Christmas song about 2 years ago and we sang it for the first time in front of a new audience. My mom loved the song and I was happy with it too. I even liked the remix the musicians created.
Another big plus in 2017 is that I started reading my Bible more consistently. To be honest, this hasn't always been the case. I made an effort to read my Word rather than other books about God's word. Thanks to the Bible app, I'm on a 58-day streak! #winning
Finally, the presiding Bishop of our organization came and spoke at a special service and his message left me inspired. I want to be open and accepting to everything God has for me!
I'm thinking that in 2018, I'll share a few things with you, as it pertains to praise and worship - especially since one reader questioned where my posts went. (At least I've got one legit follower!) I don't have a lot of specific goals, but I hope to create more music and get my praise team back in order. We'll start there and see how it goes.