If you want to have a successful team, there is one thing that cannot be ignored: team dynamics. Bad team dynamics are one of the life-suckers of church auxiliaries. I think this is one of the main reasons people choose not to participate or join a team. They feel like they can't or won't fit in.
Team dynamics are a critical element in building/running a praise team.
It's not enough that people have some musical acuity. You need people who work well together. One of the key pieces that is often overlooked is the willingness of team members to follow the direction of the leader. This is not to say that you can't have an opposing opinion. In the end, however, the leader was appointed for a reason and all others need to fall in line with the leader, as they follow Christ and the pastor.
People who are demanding, abrasive, lack humbleness, are chronically tardy, aren't 100% committed, don't follow instructions, and/or are always telling others what to do, make it difficult for a group to function well. These behaviors are detrimental and often cause dysfunction and grumbling within the team. I think as a culture, we glorify drama like this, but it has no place in the house of God and certainly not on my praise team.
I can hear you now "That's just how Sis. So and So is." My response to that is she can be like that, just not on my praise team. If that means we have a praise team with one less person, so be it. I prefer peace and order to having more members.
As leaders, when roles are not clearly defined and expectations are not communicated, the overall work suffers. The team leader sets the expectations of what behaviors are tolerable or not. If we choose to ignore certain behaviors, we have by default allowed that behavior to become acceptable. Being a leader sometimes means having to have difficult conversations to make the team better.
Let's not ruin our teams, by having members that don't work well with others. I think it's better to have a team where everyone is respectful toward one another and work together in love, than it is to have a team full of people who can saaaang, but are high maintenance. Please believe, ain't nobody got time for that!