Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Small team doesn't mean small issues

Sunday before last, I was out of town for work and thought I informed my team of my whereabouts. But that Sunday morning, I got a text from the next in command (NIC), that she had to work too. Now I have to call the other member to make sure she didn't have to work and thank goodness she didn't. When the NIC discovered that I wouldn't be there, she changed her plans and went into work after P&W. Totally appreciated it. Not sure if you can call it the P&W team if there's only one person.

Just because you might have a small P&W team, doesn't mean you have small or few issues. Some of our other issues are that we sing to tracks (no live music), our DJ is sometime-y - which means one of the singers might have to operate the music instead of sing, we can't find a good day to rehearse due to our disparate work schedules and 2 of us don't live close to the church.

The singing part usually is not an issue for us and we don't have typical church drama (e.g., Why can't I sing lead? Who said you were in charge? The mic should be in front of me. Why we gotta wear uniforms? Tony is MY man, find your own. etc.) But we have our issues and are working on them. I just pray that God will continue to help us be the best we can be with what we have. And when the day comes that we have a musician, people drama, and mics that work properly, I'll be back to add commentary and reminisce about how good we had it back in the day (i.e., now).

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