Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Back to tracks

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Just when I thought we had our music situation under control, it looks like we're back to square one. No worries. That's what tracks are for.

I just ordered a gang from Whitmore Music - my favorite place to buy accompaniment cds due to the great selection and quick service.

Here's what we'll be singing in the near future:
All Of My Help - Geoffrey Golden
You're All I Need - Hezekiah Walker
Ten Thousand Reasons (Bless The Lord) - Matt Redman
Awesome God - Maurette Brown-Clark
Amazing - Ricky Dillard & New G
Agnus Dei / Worthy - Third Day
It Is To You - Byron Cage
God Is Great - Ricky Dillard & New G
The Anthem - Todd Dulaney

As you can see have a mix of newer and older songs. I find that we tend to get more participation with gospel so I've ordered accordingly.

I predict that among these songs 10,000 Reasons will be our next big hit.


Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Tips for worship team members part 2

Here's a recap of the final tips for worship members (part 2). If you missed part 1 click here.

6. Treat every second of rehearsal time like it's golden. (Rehearsal time is for rehearsal; not set up, not catching up, etc.)
7. Be spiritually prepared.
8. Don't copy the bad habits of others.
9. Follow instructions well.
10. Know the songs well.

To read more about year tip, check it out here on innovativecwc's blog.


Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Why Generation X doesn't go to church

Image result for not welcome and church

In a candid conversation yesterday with some of my peeps, here's what I learned about why they don't go to church.

1.Church does not fit into their schedule and culture. It's not only that church is too long, but you can't multi-task at church. It's rude to check your phone and it takes out a big chunk of your day. There's Sunday School, and morning worship, and eating/fellowship. All of this is seen as church and for most black folks, this is an all-day event.

2. Church people are mean. They have bad attitudes and generally do not seem happy. They are unpleasant to be around. They judge all the time and don't get to know people. They don't treat others the way they'd like to be treated. Sure they don't steal or kill, but they don't treat others right. Church people are very hypocritical!

3. Church is not welcoming. Someone is always holding a seat for someone who isn't there and  guests have to find seating elsewhere, or stand, or go to the overflow room (also known as I could've stayed at home and watched church on TV). Would you come back to someone's home if they didn't offer you a seat and you knew they would be there for a while? Someone also expressed that church is exclusionary. If you don't fit a certain mold, you feel out of place.

4. Church people are crazy. God said this. God said that. Don't date - God told me you would be my wife. Wait, what? I didn't get any of these memos. My peeps were extremely leery of all of these specific messages. Basically, when did God become so talkative about so many interpersonal topics?

Now here's the kicker - all of these people believe in Jesus Christ and what He came to do. What I heard from the conversation is that their experience with church does not reflect their values and what they believe the message of Christ is.

It's easy to say "get over it - someone didn't offer you seat," or "you can't make everyone act right" but can you see the problem here? It's not Jesus that's the problem, it's His people. We are the problem!

We are the modern day Pharisees! We think we know so much about God and His word, yet still can't seem to make church a pleasant, welcoming, accepting community where people come drink of the waters of life. And the bad part is that we refuse to change. We refuse to make church shorter, we look down on preachers who make the messages more simple (saying they're not teaching people nothing because it's not fire and brimstone), we don't announce to our congregations not to hold seats, or teach people to be careful and wise about sharing prophesy. Yet we think folks should just "come to church" because its the right thing to do.

Newflash: people don't go to places where they don't feel wanted. They don't go to places that seem laborious. They don't go to places where people who have attitudes go. They don't go to places where the people are pretentious.

My experience as a lifetime church-goer is that we'd rather place all of the burden on the non-church-goer than to place the burden on us to change. Until we change, we can expect for Generation X, Y, and all that follow to remain non-church-goers.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

6 things to consider when leading P&W

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I strongly believe that one needs to prepare for praise and worship similar to how one would prepare to make an important presentation at work. Even though we want the Holy Spirit to bless and annoint us, we need to do our part to help increase the likelihood for success.

Besides choosing your song list, here are 6 more things you should think about when preparing to lead P&W or are singing at an event.

What's the occasion?
Is it a special service? Is there a special theme? This might influence your song list.

What is the congregation/audience like?
This is closely related to the first question. If you're singing at the senior's service, you might pick songs you believe an elderly crowd would enjoy. 

How is the stage set up? 
Are there enough mics for your team members? Is it easy to see the musicians? Are there trip hazards like long cords or speakers in the way? Is there a certain way you need to go to get to the stage?

When are you expected to sing?
Always arrive to a service or event early. You might get called earlier than you were originally told. I think its the Christian-like thing to do to be gracious enough to go early if asked. Conversely, always stay a while after you sing. It will appear arrogant to leave as soon as you're done.

How much time do you have?
Adjust your song list accordingly. It's fine if the spirit hits and you're in your own church and have freedom to go over your allotted time. As much as possible do what you're supposed to do in the time you're supposed to do it in.

What could you easily sing if there are technical difficulties?
What songs are popular or easy to sing if you had to use an alternate musician? What songs are easy to sing if your lyrics can't be displayed for the audience? Can you start a song in the right key if you can't hear the music? Have at least one song in your arsenal for this occasion.

Remember: planning is more than half the battle!

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Vanilla and Rocky Road

Image result for blackish how sweet it is to be loved by you
Scene from Blackish where the choir sings How Sweet Is (To be Loved by You). Hilarious!

A post I read by Carlos Whittaker affirmed some thoughts that have been taking roots in me.

Don't Dilute the Flava God Made Ya has nothing to do with praise and worship specifically. It's more about being your authentic self and not changing that authenticity when you don't fit into the mold of what others might be looking for.

At this point in my journey, I'm not this super verbal, entertainer type worship leader. I know we all like charismatic worship leaders, but I don't really do the whole "hype em up" thing. I could get up there and scream "When I think of the goodness of Jesus...", but that's just not me. I like to worship, I like to sing, so I worship and I sing. I used to be a cheerleader, but because worship is kind of my thing, I don't feel led to call up that skill set. Sure I encourage people to press in, but you're not gonna get a lot of talking out of me. God hasn't given me a word to share with His people so I'm not gonna stand up in front of a congregation and just start talking prophetically or even matter-of-factly. It's just not me.

I think Carlos's post drives home that whatever God made you to be, be it. Everyone won't like your style, but someone will.

The diversity of the church amazes me. There is room for vanilla, Rocky Road, and every other flavor imaginable.


Monday, July 18, 2016

Hillsong Tour - July & August Dates

Image result for hillsong worship 

Hey all you worshipers - Hillsong United is on tour and they're bringing Lauren Daigle with them. This is bound to be a great worship experience. Here are the dates:

  • Columbia, SC - July 18, 7:00 pm, Colonial Life Arena
  • ATL - July 19, 7:00 pm, Lakewood Amphitheater
  •  Nashville - July 20, 7:00 pm, Bridgestone Arena
  • OKC - July 22, 7:00 pm, Chesapeake Energy Arena
  • Houston - July 23, 7:00 pm, Toyota Center
  • Denver - July 25, 7:00 pm, Pepsi Center
  • Kansas City -  July 27, 7:00 pm, Sprint Center
  • Louisville - July 28, 7:00 pm, Freedom Hall
  • Pittsburgh - July 29, 7:00 pm, CONSOL Energy Center
  • Chicago - July 30, 7:00 pm, United Center
  • Jacksonville - August 10, 2016, 6:30 pm, Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena
  • Tampa - via the Outcry tour August 11, 6:30 pm, MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Amphitheater at the Florida State Grounds
  • Miami - August 12, 6:30 pm, Bayfront Park Amphitheater
  • Orlando - August 13, 6:30 pm, CFE Arena
  • Mobile - August 15, 6:30 pm, Mobile Civic Center
  • Baton Rouge - August 16, 6:30 pm, Baton Rouge River Center
  • St. Louis - August 18, 6:30 pm, Hollywood Casino Amphitheater
  • North Little Rock, AR - August 19, 6:30 pm, Verizon Center
  • Austin - August 20, 6:00 pm, H-E-B Center at Cedar Park
  • Dallas - August 21, 6:00 pm, American Airlines Center
  • Phoenix - August 24, 6:30 pm, Talking Stock Resort Arena
  • San Diego - August 25, 6:30 pm, Sleep Train Amphitheater
  • Las Vegas - August 26, 6:30 pm, The Orleans Arena
  • Concord, CA - August 27, 6:30 pm, Concord Pavilion
  • Anaheim - August 29, 6:30 pm, Honda Center
Get more deets here!

Friday, July 8, 2016

A song to lift your spirit during turbulent times

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Today I am so saddened by all of the violence that's been going on. Not that I haven't been previously, but when a black men gets shot at point blank in his car with his loved ones inside (one of which was a child) and I see the video of the aftermath, my heart breaks. My God, are we (black people) not human? Do we not deserve a chance to take out our license like we've been asked to do without being shot? And now the police being killed in Dallas! Jesus take the wheel, like frfr!

What's worse is that people are so critical of each other at this time. We criticize the #blacklivesmatter movement. We criticize when someone paints a mural of the deceased. We criticize when celebrities speak out about social injustice. We criticize the NAACP for not doing enough. Tensions are high on every level.

If you are like me, your spirit is impacted by the loss of lives that seem senseless and is crying out to God for help. I know personally that music helps me get through things. So today I offer you the song that's been on repeat for me for about a week now, Baba Oh, from Jonathan Nelson's latest project.

"Open the floodgates in abundance and cause your rain to fall on me"

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tips for worship team members

I read this great article called 10 tips for worship team members - part 1

Here's a brief recap of the tips, but definitely read the post! 
Image result for practice
  • Practice: Professional musicians know the difference between practice and rehearsal
  • Be a support to your worship leader
  • Be on time
  • Don't sabotage songs you dislike
  • Behave like a Christian on stage and off

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

It drives me crazy when...

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I was reading a gospel artist's post on Instagram and got irritated. (One reason why I'm not on FB - more dummies sharing their dumb posts.) It drives me crazy when people think that there's only one "sound of heaven" and that songs that sound more secular aren't God-given. Please get off of your soap box!

People said the same thing when BeBe and CeCe Winans got big. "You can't tell if they're singing about God or a relationship between a couple." They said the same thing about Kirk Franklin and God's Property. They said the same thing about Mary Mary. However, when people who don't have a big name in the industry put out their music somehow "it's not the sound."

Us church people really rip into others far too much, particularly black church people.

I may not know everything about worship, but I know that this "sound" is not this big deal in other cultures. And it's not even about a "sound" per se, it's people's opinions about what is and is not acceptable as praise or worship. All throughout Africa, people dance regularly at the drop of a hat - even to praise music. Hillsong Young & Free sounds so of the moment, if you weren't listening to the words you think it was the next pop artist on the radio. And I personally loved 5 Seconds by Canton Jones. I was two-stepping to that joint until they stopped playing it!

Look people, let's stop talking about the "sound of heaven" as if we've been there! Yes, there are songs that are anointed, but our God is bigger than our sphere of thinking. I think that as long as the message is right, the genre/artist/expression is not as important.


Tuesday, June 28, 2016

20 fun facts about me

You think you know, but you have noooo idea...

    Image result for larry bird
  1. Famous people I've met: Larry Bird, Vince and Tamar Braxton, David and Tamela Mann. (And those are just the ones I think most people would know.)
  2. I am anti-Facebook
  3. I prefer a good dark chocolate over milk chocolate
  4. I read at least one book each month. My favorite genre is young adult dystopian novels.
  5. My favorite sport is boxing - favorite fighter is Miguel Cotto
  6. Chicago is my favorite city - Go White Sox! Go Bulls!
  7. I used to play the flute and piccolo
  8. The farthest I've been from home is London
  9. People used to tease me about my family being a real life version of the Cosby's
  10. I love my day job!
  11. My name (Nicole) means victorious. All I do is win. :)
  12. I started tap dancing as an adult and love it
  13. My favorite singer is Ella Fitzgerald
  14. I do a toe-touch every year to make sure I can still do one. (Not sure why I find the need to keep that skill sharp.)
  15. I always thought I'd make a great waitress or jingle writer
  16. I am very protective of my time
  17. I do not miss dental appointments
  18. I met my husband when I was 14
  19. I am very introspective
  20. I'm saved, but you will get checked. ("I'll say I'm nicety!")