Monday, September 23, 2013

Know where you are

Yesterday's P&W, in my humble opinion, was pretty good. So why, oh, why did my uncle, one of the ministers at my church, have to get up and say that we were quiet?! We totally were NOT quiet. Then I thought about it, he must've forgotten what church he was attending.

My uncle and the rest of my family grew up in a church whose name I will change to 1st Church of All Day Long Worship Center. 1st Church was a loud, lively, and therefore long-winded church. At any given point, a prayer, song, even the announcements could inspire spontaneous outbursts of praise. That's just how they rolled at 1st Church. Fast forward today, our church is a watering hole for newbies to Christ. There isn't a lot of shouting - mostly a lot of teaching/learning.

So the moral of this story is to know where you are. Is your church full of seniors? Don't expect them to run around the church (or stay awake until the end of service). Do you have lots of kids? Don't expect them to sit still for more than 15 minutes without entertainment. Not saying you can't get seniors to stay awake or kids to sit still, but that's your audience and it is what it is.

We may not be loud at End Times Ministries, but yesterday there was definitely participation. I say that's a win.

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