Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Church starts at 11!

Sunday, P&W rehearsal was really... interesting, hilarious, sad, a hot ghetto mess! While rehearsing the same 2 songs we went over last week, one of our repeat but non-members came into church drunk.

Now the old church we came out of used to have drunk people stumble into the sanctuary somewhat regularly Friday nights. (But on a Sunday?! Ok, I get it. Times are hard.)  Those inebriated people were the highlight of my pre-adolescent church life. My older brother and I both remember the man who came all the way to the front of the church via the center aisle to strike the high cymbal while nothing musical was going on. I guess that's just what drunk folks do: make a scene.

To make matters worse, said individual took over one our mics and joined in with us. I guess even he knew "Every praise is to our God." He wasn't threatening anyone and we all know him so my dad (the head deacon) did not escort him out.

While I'm all for drunk folks coming into church, I am not for them messing up my rehearsal! In the words of my outspoken sister, "church starts at 11." We'll take all drunkards, crackheads, and other wildly types at that time.

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