Monday, June 17, 2013

A bunch of random thoughts

Random thought #1 - Yesterday in Sunday school, we talked about worship and our Pastor stated that the reason some of us can't worship God at church is because we don't lead a life of worship outside of church. I get that. But what about the rest of the people who supposedly do? What's their excuse?

Random thought #2 - I'm starting to think that gaps in the sanctuary contribute to our sometimes lackluster P&W. Most people's churches have far more seats than people. Naturally, people spread out all over the sanctuary and sit in their favorite seat. You've got people on the front row, in the back corners, on the side, and at the back door (in case they need to make a speedy getaway, I guess). People everywhere. I think it might do us better if everyone sat a little closer together and let all of the non-worshippers hang out in the back. Just a thought. Has this crossed anyone else's mind?

Random thought #3 - One thing I try to do as the leader is get people to close their eyes during worship.  P&W is not a show. There's nothing to look at except for singers singing, which technically is what everyone is doing. We don't have dance moves (except for one song), praise dancers, or fancy outfits. Might as well close your eyes and tap into your own praise. I know everyone is not a singer so some people refuse to sing aloud (and please don't - I know God loves it, but the rest of us... not so much) however, we can all lift our hands, clap our hands, focus on the words, and let praise exude out of our hearts in our own way.

Yesterday, I forgot to lead our team in prayer before church. Bad P&W leader! Lord help me. Next Sunday will be better... Hey, thought sounds like a good motto.

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