Monday, June 3, 2013

Praise is the phrase (like bird is the word. lol)

Praise and Worship was the topic of the weekend for me.

All of my Chicago readers might be familiar with Angela Martin from the John Hannah and Angela Martin morning show on 1390 am. She has a women's prayer the first Saturday of each month that is absolutely to die for... Ok, don't die for it, but it's really an awesome meeting. She offered a few words that I appreciated as a P&W leader. (The quotes are not verbatim.)

"I love praise and worship, but that's not my ministry!" 
Girl, I feel you! Maybe I shouldn't share that sentiment since I am the leader, but I know what she means. She went on to say she feels our pain when we are trying to get people into the spirit of praise and they are texting, looking at us with straight faces, etc. Who hasn't experienced that?

"When we get to heaven, there won't be any P&W leaders, so you better practice now!" 
I heard that! 

"I would hate for some of y'all to get to heaven, see Jesus face to face and not know what to do."
Based on how some of us act during P&W, this would be sad, but not unfathomable. That's why we need to learn how to offer thanks and praise on our own. 

Even my uncle, who thinks he should sing at all times, but sounds like the horn on an old tug boat, had something to say about P&W.

"I have a problem with people who don't like praise and worship. Don't you know that's all we're gonna be doing in heaven?!" 
Preach, preacher! (insert shouting music here)

So there you have it, "praise" was the phrase this weekend. I guess one word can't be a phrase, but it's catchy so take it and run.

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